17:30-Monday 29th February 2016
Hey guys,
Sorry about that last post, I was really angry, But I have talked to people about it, so I am good now. So onto what I was going to what I was going to post today.
Today is the 29th of February, this day only comes once every four years. Now if you don't know why I will go into science mode and explain.
So the earth, it orbits round the sun. every time it does a full orbit, it is classes as a year or 365 days. Now it isn't exactly 365, it is more like 365.25 and basic maths means that 4x 0.25=1. So that means that we have an extra day every four years, I don't why they call it a leap year. They just do there is probably going to be an explanation for it but that's what google is for!
So there that is the short and simple reason why this day exists, Now as you might have noticed we have passed 1000 views and as a special, this Friday, (the 4th) At 5PM GMT I am going to be livestreaming on You Now but this is special i will be doing a piece of art on air to celebrate this milestone, and i want you involved I will start with me writing 1000 VIEWS! But in the days leading up to this, i want YOU to comment on things that I will put in it, because i want you to help me make this milestone. Yesterday i found as i was going to sleep so i was a bit erratic, so let me thank you soooooooooooooo much for sticking with me, not reading one post and backing off, Thank you from the bottom of my heart, it is amazing i have reached this, thank you now and always
That's all for now,
Thanks for reading now and always
This is my blog. It is about me, Daniel Mawardi. I live in the UK and I'm almost 16. I write about my day to day life or just other things that I want to talk about. Enjoy.
Monday, 29 February 2016
Not in the mood
16:50-Monday 29th February 2016
Hey guys
now when I woke up I thought i will write a post about how it is a leap year and all that jazz but unfortunately for me I have had a very bad day, i found out that i have four exams next week, the entirety of my science to revise, i am behind on my food tech course work, i have a drama monologue to learn, and on top of that i'm ill, so i am defiantly not in the mood to be all happy and that crap. Because of this intense work load that might be a lack of posts on the blog, apologies now as this is bad but it might be nessacary to do so, sorry
That's all for now
Thanks for reading
Hey guys
now when I woke up I thought i will write a post about how it is a leap year and all that jazz but unfortunately for me I have had a very bad day, i found out that i have four exams next week, the entirety of my science to revise, i am behind on my food tech course work, i have a drama monologue to learn, and on top of that i'm ill, so i am defiantly not in the mood to be all happy and that crap. Because of this intense work load that might be a lack of posts on the blog, apologies now as this is bad but it might be nessacary to do so, sorry
That's all for now
Thanks for reading
Sunday, 28 February 2016
OH MY F******************* GOD 1000 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is gonna to be a short add on post, so yeah, later on in the week i will post the picture
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
This is gonna to be a short add on post, so yeah, later on in the week i will post the picture
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
I used learnt some guitar...BY SHOOTING ZOMBIES
22;45-Sunday 28th February 2016
Hey guys,
Guess what, I am the ultimate SLAYER of Rock Zombies! Now, if you haven't played a game called RockSmith 2014 then you don't know what i am talking about. It is basically a Guitar Hero but you use a real guitar instaed of that plastic thing. and there are mini games that help you play guitar, Return To Castle Chorddead is a minigame that helps you play chords here is a image
So basically you have to play the chord with matchs the zombie at first i barley managed to get past them two hours later i was whooping those rock zombies! I learn't F5 E5 and A5, Oh the living room is getting heated, I netter get going
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
Guess what, I am the ultimate SLAYER of Rock Zombies! Now, if you haven't played a game called RockSmith 2014 then you don't know what i am talking about. It is basically a Guitar Hero but you use a real guitar instaed of that plastic thing. and there are mini games that help you play guitar, Return To Castle Chorddead is a minigame that helps you play chords here is a image
So basically you have to play the chord with matchs the zombie at first i barley managed to get past them two hours later i was whooping those rock zombies! I learn't F5 E5 and A5, Oh the living room is getting heated, I netter get going
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Saturday, 27 February 2016
Posting from a new location and Twitter
11:58-Saturday 27th January 2016
Hey guys,
This is the first post in a location that is not my house or school. I am currently at Jane's house (Jane is a friend of my mums) and I am using their desktop computer. Some bad news though, I accidentally broke my pick holder on my guitar :( as well I can't get a hold of my guitar stuff until Tuesday because of my baby brothers situation, No one will be at home to accept the parcels, so yeah. Also, did i mention that I have twitter? Well if i haven't then I do, and if you have twitter you can follow me! Here is the link https://twitter.com/Daniel_Mawardi You can follow me to find what I post, usually to try and get mentioned on GTLive but i have posted some other stuff including photos from my hair cut and my with guitar also I sometimes post pieces of digital art. So go ahead and follow me if you want, It's your decision.
Thta's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
This is the first post in a location that is not my house or school. I am currently at Jane's house (Jane is a friend of my mums) and I am using their desktop computer. Some bad news though, I accidentally broke my pick holder on my guitar :( as well I can't get a hold of my guitar stuff until Tuesday because of my baby brothers situation, No one will be at home to accept the parcels, so yeah. Also, did i mention that I have twitter? Well if i haven't then I do, and if you have twitter you can follow me! Here is the link https://twitter.com/Daniel_Mawardi You can follow me to find what I post, usually to try and get mentioned on GTLive but i have posted some other stuff including photos from my hair cut and my with guitar also I sometimes post pieces of digital art. So go ahead and follow me if you want, It's your decision.
Thta's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Friday, 26 February 2016
Now i am buying a different amp + worst email subject
18:13-Friday 26th February 2016
Hey guys,
So I got the guitar and I put the accessories in mums amazon basket However she has just told me that the amp I have asked for, well, she doesn;t like it: so I have to look around amazon for another one, Great. (sarcasm). Anyway, that is really all that has happened today, nothing else really, except I was given a letter saying this:
Dear Parents and Carers
The email title 'Save L******* School' is an email from the L****** parenting group about better drop off and pick up stations and better-playing fields
Please note that the school is not under threat from closure
What! what a stupid name for an email about playing fields, by the way, i asterisked the school name because online safety!
That's all for now
Thanks For reading
Hey guys,
So I got the guitar and I put the accessories in mums amazon basket However she has just told me that the amp I have asked for, well, she doesn;t like it: so I have to look around amazon for another one, Great. (sarcasm). Anyway, that is really all that has happened today, nothing else really, except I was given a letter saying this:
Dear Parents and Carers
The email title 'Save L******* School' is an email from the L****** parenting group about better drop off and pick up stations and better-playing fields
Please note that the school is not under threat from closure
What! what a stupid name for an email about playing fields, by the way, i asterisked the school name because online safety!
That's all for now
Thanks For reading
Thursday, 25 February 2016
I got a haircut and i look good!
19:21-Thursday 25th February 2016
Hey guys,
This has to be a quick one as I have a drama monologue to learn. Well I have just got back from the barber's and I have just got a haircut, I had Grade One round the sides, and a little off the top. so heres a before and after, Before on top and After on the bottom.
I think I look good,
Anyway that's all for now, this really is a short one but it has pictures!
That's all for now
Thanks for reading
Hey guys,
I think I look good,
Anyway that's all for now, this really is a short one but it has pictures!
That's all for now
Thanks for reading
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
I got a guitar! + Deadpool
16:04-Wednesday 24th February 2016
Hey guys,
remember when I was talking about buying a guitar, well one of the staff at school saw me and Ben (friend of mine) jamming at lunch time, and said that she had a base guitar at home, and I could have it if I wanted too, I said yes because why not. Because she works on the wing, she was able to give it to me the same day, but fortunately for me, she was mistaken, it wasn't a base guitar she was giving me it was an ELECTRIC GUITAR!!! Now this was amazing because I needed £40 to buy a guitar pack ( I already had £60) So this means I can now spend that stuff on accessories and some good quality ones! Anyway, I have taken a picture of me with the guitar, so enjoy that.
Hey guys,
remember when I was talking about buying a guitar, well one of the staff at school saw me and Ben (friend of mine) jamming at lunch time, and said that she had a base guitar at home, and I could have it if I wanted too, I said yes because why not. Because she works on the wing, she was able to give it to me the same day, but fortunately for me, she was mistaken, it wasn't a base guitar she was giving me it was an ELECTRIC GUITAR!!! Now this was amazing because I needed £40 to buy a guitar pack ( I already had £60) So this means I can now spend that stuff on accessories and some good quality ones! Anyway, I have taken a picture of me with the guitar, so enjoy that.
As well tonight, I am going to see Deadpool I am so excited for this because the trailers have looked awesome! I give you my thoughts about it later.
So until then,
Thanks for Reading.
Tuesday, 23 February 2016
15:43-Tuesday 23rd January 2016
Hey guys,
First off, YEAH! We have reached 900 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!At the time of writing this we are at 911 VIEWS!!!!! Oh, it's 9 11. Damn. Oh well, anyway onto the main part of this post. If you have started reading this blog after 800 views then I need to tell you that as a tradition around here I post a piece of art that I have done in class or in my free time. This includes copies, own creations, and there was a photo of a model I did once. Great, Now no need to keep talking, drumroll please...
Ah, it's happen again. You see I am using my school laptop and for some reason (probably ad blocker) when ever I put a picture on while writing a blog, the picture is replaced by a small black box with an X in it so, Yeah.
Anyway, it is a copy of Van Gogh's 'Crow's in the wheat fields'. It is in Oil Pastels.
Now, before I go can I thank every single one of you who read this blog. When I started this blog I never, ever, in a million years, for this blog to reach 900 views, and it isn't my really bad writing or terrible formatting, or the fact that I sometimes have the stupidest titles. It is you, the reader. None of this would possible without You. So from the bottom of my heart, Thank You, this really is unbelievable.
Now I do have some big news However this isn't the place for it. so that is tomorrows post.
That's all for now
Oh wait, I did post the Video link yesterday however it was quite late so here it is again
Wait, I just went back to the Posts page on blogger and I saw that this is the 90th Post! What a coincidence (Seriously)
That's all for now
Thanks for Reading, now and always
Hey guys,
First off, YEAH! We have reached 900 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!At the time of writing this we are at 911 VIEWS!!!!! Oh, it's 9 11. Damn. Oh well, anyway onto the main part of this post. If you have started reading this blog after 800 views then I need to tell you that as a tradition around here I post a piece of art that I have done in class or in my free time. This includes copies, own creations, and there was a photo of a model I did once. Great, Now no need to keep talking, drumroll please...
Ah, it's happen again. You see I am using my school laptop and for some reason (probably ad blocker) when ever I put a picture on while writing a blog, the picture is replaced by a small black box with an X in it so, Yeah.
Anyway, it is a copy of Van Gogh's 'Crow's in the wheat fields'. It is in Oil Pastels.
Now, before I go can I thank every single one of you who read this blog. When I started this blog I never, ever, in a million years, for this blog to reach 900 views, and it isn't my really bad writing or terrible formatting, or the fact that I sometimes have the stupidest titles. It is you, the reader. None of this would possible without You. So from the bottom of my heart, Thank You, this really is unbelievable.
Now I do have some big news However this isn't the place for it. so that is tomorrows post.
That's all for now
Oh wait, I did post the Video link yesterday however it was quite late so here it is again
Wait, I just went back to the Posts page on blogger and I saw that this is the 90th Post! What a coincidence (Seriously)
That's all for now
Thanks for Reading, now and always
Monday, 22 February 2016
A General Update (Contains GT Live + Guitar and stuff)
15:34-Monday 22th February 2016
Hey Guys,Like I said earlier this morning a general update was coming. Because it was the first day of term we had an assembly so I couldn't get on the iPad and I was Jamming at lunch.
Anyway, Remember a few weeks back when I talked about the guys at GTLive saying my name? well if you don't I will put a link to the post at the end of this one. Anyway, I was waiting for weeks for that stream to be uploaded and I lost hope thinking that was the one stream that couldn't be posted because of technical difficulties or something. But when I looked on YouTube, I saw the stream and heart skipped a beat because It was there. so I download the stream and looked for the part with me in it, I cut it down and did a small vlog on it and put that before the clip. Now, I would put link right now however I am at school and YouTube isn't available until after 6PM. So When the block does go off I will do a post update, but warning I am going shopping at 6 so it will most likely be after seven when the link appears.
Now the past few weeks guitars have been in some of my posts, and in a recent post I mentioned that I would like to get a telecaster but I was WRONG, after consulting my guitarist friends and experts, I have changed my mind and am going to get a Stratocaster, however it is £100 and I only have £60, so I need another 40, how I am going to get that, I don't know. I had suggestions that include getting a Saturday job, selling my clothes and car boot sale. Any suggestions would be welcome.
That is really all I had to say,
Thanks for reading.
Oh wait, I had a quick look at the stats on Blogger and the view count said: 899! Now the counter on the blog counts when I view the page and I only do that to make sure stuff works so it might be a bit out. I won't have a piece of my art to show until tomorrow, so that is what shall be tomorrows post
That's all for now
Thanks for reading
EDIT-Video Link:
I am tired
Hey guys, it is 2o past 1 in the morning, i thought i should post Tomorrow, i will post a general update of stuff
Sorry for not posting
Thanks for reading
Sorry for not posting
Thanks for reading
Saturday, 20 February 2016
I'm 1 in 20 billion, I like those odds
12:24-Saturday 20th February 2016
Hey Guys,
I think I have mentioned that I like The Yogscast before, and if you didn't know i would kill to get into YogTowers. You see the location is a secret. However there is thi compatation that if i win, i can GO TO YOGTOWERS!!! Now i will pu the link below however, here are the rules: you have to be aged 7-15, Live in the UK and be able to travel there on the 28th of feb 2016. I am so glad i have only turned 15 :)
However the yogscast have over 20 billion fans, It is proablly less then that in the UK so I like my chances and whats more is the fact that if i win, not only do i get to go to YogTowers but i can take part in a gameing session with Kim, Martyn, Sjin and Duncan + Ali A. That would be amazing.
Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1N8A0dTjphZKRviKMCMyYFR2vH7JQIKLiJlFs7xGA8X4/viewform?c=0&w=1&fbzx=1685186738671545900
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Edit-Deadline is monday at midnight
Hey Guys,
I think I have mentioned that I like The Yogscast before, and if you didn't know i would kill to get into YogTowers. You see the location is a secret. However there is thi compatation that if i win, i can GO TO YOGTOWERS!!! Now i will pu the link below however, here are the rules: you have to be aged 7-15, Live in the UK and be able to travel there on the 28th of feb 2016. I am so glad i have only turned 15 :)
However the yogscast have over 20 billion fans, It is proablly less then that in the UK so I like my chances and whats more is the fact that if i win, not only do i get to go to YogTowers but i can take part in a gameing session with Kim, Martyn, Sjin and Duncan + Ali A. That would be amazing.
Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1N8A0dTjphZKRviKMCMyYFR2vH7JQIKLiJlFs7xGA8X4/viewform?c=0&w=1&fbzx=1685186738671545900
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Edit-Deadline is monday at midnight
Friday, 19 February 2016
A day in Deal
17:02-Friday 19th February 2016
Hey guys,
just a quick one as I have to keep my toddler cousin entertained. I am still at my aunties house but today they had the windows out. That's right, they literally had the windows out, some men came along and took the windows out so that they could replace them with energy efficient ones.Because of that, me Uncle Jamie had to move his office into the main lounge and because he works from home and makes conference calls to places all over the world (yesterday he called America). when he does this we need to be quiet and like I said, Freddie is a toddler who has to be entertained. So in an effort to make the house quieter, my aunt said we are going to Deal for the day. Which I don't mind, it's some fresh air after all.
So we got there and we went to the beach, threw some stones. after that, we went and had lunch at this cafe where we had some milkshakes. the milkshakes were thick ones, the ones which are made by putting ice cream and milk into a blender.
Once we had had lunch, we went into town and went into some charity shops. in one of them, there was this amazing marvel hoodie, however, it was £4.50, and if I did buy that, that pushes my amount of money back which I need for the guitar I am saving up for.
Quick note, I have decided I want to get a Telecaster style guitar, preferably white.
Once we were done in town we went back to the beach and sat on the beach while looking at the stones, a few of them I have decided to keep and decorated for my mum. After that, we took a walk along the pier which was nice but it was FREEZING cold and the wind was really strong.
After that we went back to the car, however, it was parked next to a play park, which my cousin wanted to go to. I was acting like I was there for Freddie at first, however, I ended up having a go on the swings and slides myself. I forget how much fun a play park is.
That's really all I did today.
Thanks for reading
Thursday, 18 February 2016
Homework, Homework, and MORE homework + other stuff
15:35-Thursday 18th February 2016
Hey guys,
I am in a better mood today, Hurrah! Unfortunately, I have 6 different pieces of biology homework, which is ok but it is just really draining as all the answers are really long winded. Pile that with the revision of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics for my mocks makes it a really tiring activity. That reminds me of another thing, Because of the "Logic" my school has I have my science mocks the week I go back to school (sarcastic quote marks are sarcastic). It makes no sense as I will have to do a lot of revision while on my half term. Even though it is meant to be a relaxing period. And what's more, is that because they wanted the mocks to over and done with, s o they have put 2 on the same day, TWO! This really annoys me as I am going to be out of lessons for pretty much the whole day.
Meanwhile, I think I have broken my phone, I tried to turn it on and it is stuck on the Samsung welcome screen I literally have left it for about 2 hours and it hasn't changed at all.
As well, today is my brothers 17th birthday, and I found out that next year when he is 18 him and my other brother, Adam, are planning to go to Amsterdam! and I'm not allowed to go as I will only be 16. That's annoying.
That's all for now,
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
I am in a better mood today, Hurrah! Unfortunately, I have 6 different pieces of biology homework, which is ok but it is just really draining as all the answers are really long winded. Pile that with the revision of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics for my mocks makes it a really tiring activity. That reminds me of another thing, Because of the "Logic" my school has I have my science mocks the week I go back to school (sarcastic quote marks are sarcastic). It makes no sense as I will have to do a lot of revision while on my half term. Even though it is meant to be a relaxing period. And what's more, is that because they wanted the mocks to over and done with, s o they have put 2 on the same day, TWO! This really annoys me as I am going to be out of lessons for pretty much the whole day.
Meanwhile, I think I have broken my phone, I tried to turn it on and it is stuck on the Samsung welcome screen I literally have left it for about 2 hours and it hasn't changed at all.
As well, today is my brothers 17th birthday, and I found out that next year when he is 18 him and my other brother, Adam, are planning to go to Amsterdam! and I'm not allowed to go as I will only be 16. That's annoying.
That's all for now,
Thanks For Reading
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
My half term is being taken away, Great!
13:33-Wednesday 17th February 2016
Hey guys,
This is going to be a quick on, as I have to pack to go to my aunties house until Sunday. That's the rest of my half term, a time where I am meant to be relaxing after a term of hard work, taken away. What's more, is I have to stay with my toddler cousin, Freddy. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Freddy it's just he can be very challenging and I can't get any time to myself. My computer hasn't got a good wifi receptor, so I have to be on a certain side of the house to actually get the internet. Another fact is that I have my Science mocks the week I go back, Great! As well as that I can't go to a giant sleepover social with my youth group because I am stuck at my aunties and what annoys me even more is the fact that because my brother is going to London with his friends and then he can go to the sleepover social. It just infuriates me, because I can't do anything that I want to because of reasons out of my control. Sorry if this seems like a rant, I am just very upset and there is nothing I can do.
Tha's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
This is going to be a quick on, as I have to pack to go to my aunties house until Sunday. That's the rest of my half term, a time where I am meant to be relaxing after a term of hard work, taken away. What's more, is I have to stay with my toddler cousin, Freddy. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Freddy it's just he can be very challenging and I can't get any time to myself. My computer hasn't got a good wifi receptor, so I have to be on a certain side of the house to actually get the internet. Another fact is that I have my Science mocks the week I go back, Great! As well as that I can't go to a giant sleepover social with my youth group because I am stuck at my aunties and what annoys me even more is the fact that because my brother is going to London with his friends and then he can go to the sleepover social. It just infuriates me, because I can't do anything that I want to because of reasons out of my control. Sorry if this seems like a rant, I am just very upset and there is nothing I can do.
Tha's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
I feel like crap and I can't do anything about it!
22:55-Tuesday 16th February 2016
Hey Guys,
Like I said in the last post, in ONE day I had my half term taken away from me AND I got dumped! I am always the dumpee never the damn dumper! It makes no sense to me, the day before was valentines day and I had given her a gift before that as I knew that I wouldn't get the chance to see her on the day ( It was a fake rose from Tesco's) and I sent her a heartfelt message on the day and for some reason the next day she dumps me. Here is how the conversation went down: (I am in bold)
is everything ok?
It's nothing
Ok but you know I am always here to listen
I know
Look I can't be your girlfriend anymore
And that was it, I asked 'was it because of me' and she said it had nothing to do with that and then she asks me to be her friend but nothing more. this breaks my heart as this was my first proper girlfriend because the ones from primary school don't really count and my girlfriend before that just stopped going to school for about 2 years ago and I haven't seen her since. It just pisses me off because I do no what happen o make her say that. Now I am down in the dumps, angry, sad, alone and just annoyed. I am actually starting to cry right now because I am just... I DON'T KNOW WHY. Why am I hung up over a girl that dumped me? It doesn't help she is still trying to talk to me like nothing happened!
Sorry for bringing this up, it's juts like I needed to get this out. It's not like anyone is going to read this because the last four posts have had ZERO views, is is four or is it five? Let me check
WAIT WHAT, the last post from today which was about GTLive had got NINE VIEWS! That is actually heartwarming, I thought the blog was done for because of the lack of views.
Anyway, as I was saying I needed to vent this thing as there is no one who can really help me. Sorry if I have weird you out, I just needed a vent.
Thanks for reading
Hey Guys,
Like I said in the last post, in ONE day I had my half term taken away from me AND I got dumped! I am always the dumpee never the damn dumper! It makes no sense to me, the day before was valentines day and I had given her a gift before that as I knew that I wouldn't get the chance to see her on the day ( It was a fake rose from Tesco's) and I sent her a heartfelt message on the day and for some reason the next day she dumps me. Here is how the conversation went down: (I am in bold)
is everything ok?
It's nothing
Ok but you know I am always here to listen
I know
Look I can't be your girlfriend anymore
And that was it, I asked 'was it because of me' and she said it had nothing to do with that and then she asks me to be her friend but nothing more. this breaks my heart as this was my first proper girlfriend because the ones from primary school don't really count and my girlfriend before that just stopped going to school for about 2 years ago and I haven't seen her since. It just pisses me off because I do no what happen o make her say that. Now I am down in the dumps, angry, sad, alone and just annoyed. I am actually starting to cry right now because I am just... I DON'T KNOW WHY. Why am I hung up over a girl that dumped me? It doesn't help she is still trying to talk to me like nothing happened!
Sorry for bringing this up, it's juts like I needed to get this out. It's not like anyone is going to read this because the last four posts have had ZERO views, is is four or is it five? Let me check
WAIT WHAT, the last post from today which was about GTLive had got NINE VIEWS! That is actually heartwarming, I thought the blog was done for because of the lack of views.
Anyway, as I was saying I needed to vent this thing as there is no one who can really help me. Sorry if I have weird you out, I just needed a vent.
Thanks for reading
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
11:59-Tuesday 16th February 2016
Hey, guys, last night was a rough one, but it was a great one all the same. What's that quote by Charles dickens: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times". You see I was hung up about getting dumped, I was crying in bed when I got a notification that there was going to be a Livestream it was GTLive, so it started and they were playing MegaMan Unlimited I sent in a tweet about how I was dumped and they READ it! this is the second time it has happened! MatPat thought my name was Daniel Moriarty! And then my comment sprouted a whole conversation about whether it was better to be dumped on valentines day or after and I had the entire chat sympathizing with me. That was really great as this entire week I have had a massive crap taken on me because in this week in ONE day I had m relationship taken away from me, my half term taken away from me but that's another story, another post. When MatPat posts the stream online I will post the link.
That's all for now,
Thanks For Reading
Hey, guys, last night was a rough one, but it was a great one all the same. What's that quote by Charles dickens: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times". You see I was hung up about getting dumped, I was crying in bed when I got a notification that there was going to be a Livestream it was GTLive, so it started and they were playing MegaMan Unlimited I sent in a tweet about how I was dumped and they READ it! this is the second time it has happened! MatPat thought my name was Daniel Moriarty! And then my comment sprouted a whole conversation about whether it was better to be dumped on valentines day or after and I had the entire chat sympathizing with me. That was really great as this entire week I have had a massive crap taken on me because in this week in ONE day I had m relationship taken away from me, my half term taken away from me but that's another story, another post. When MatPat posts the stream online I will post the link.
That's all for now,
Thanks For Reading
Monday, 15 February 2016
Jumps, Exhabitions, and MILK!
15:30-Monday 15th February 2016
Hey guys,
Yesterday, I went up to London, to the ExCeL London for this exhibition. It was a four show exhibition:
And as i wlked round, I tried samples of electrolytes, look at expensive bikes but then we wondered over to this show called 'Air To The Throne' and it was moutian biking jumps with some AMAZING tricks. There where qualifieys which was the day before, stage 2 (the one i watched) and hte Finals whcih was later that day. So that finished and looking round and i saw the offical goodie bag stand. So along i went to get mine, i was in a line and when my turn came, i was given too bags and was told to 'Keep your bag open' so i did but then i was '1 or 2' i was like 'Urrr 2?' and i wa handed two lirtes bottles of SKIMMED MILK, I am ot kidding i got Milk in a goodie bag! That's really one of the hihglights of the day. but it is 4 in the after noon. so i am going to finish now.
ThanksFor Reading
Hey guys,
Yesterday, I went up to London, to the ExCeL London for this exhibition. It was a four show exhibition:
- The Bike Show London
- The International London Dive Show
- The Telegraph Outdoors Adventure and Travel Show
- The Triathlon Show London
And as i wlked round, I tried samples of electrolytes, look at expensive bikes but then we wondered over to this show called 'Air To The Throne' and it was moutian biking jumps with some AMAZING tricks. There where qualifieys which was the day before, stage 2 (the one i watched) and hte Finals whcih was later that day. So that finished and looking round and i saw the offical goodie bag stand. So along i went to get mine, i was in a line and when my turn came, i was given too bags and was told to 'Keep your bag open' so i did but then i was '1 or 2' i was like 'Urrr 2?' and i wa handed two lirtes bottles of SKIMMED MILK, I am ot kidding i got Milk in a goodie bag! That's really one of the hihglights of the day. but it is 4 in the after noon. so i am going to finish now.
ThanksFor Reading
OH MY WORD 800 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
12:14-Monday 15th February 2016
Hey, Guys, I did not notice it yesterday but I woke up about 20 mins ago, made a cuppa soup and hopped onto my laptop and saw that the blog has 814 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOH, I think that is how you spell it. Anyway I have just done a piece of art at school but I haven't taken a photo of it so here is a personal piece of art
This is a cuttlefish I did for my friends birthday. Now can I say thank you all for reading day after day and I am utterly speechless at the fact that we have reached over 800 views!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, Guys, I did not notice it yesterday but I woke up about 20 mins ago, made a cuppa soup and hopped onto my laptop and saw that the blog has 814 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOH, I think that is how you spell it. Anyway I have just done a piece of art at school but I haven't taken a photo of it so here is a personal piece of art

Edit- 13:00, Hey guys I was writing this post when I got a facebook message, so I took a short break from writing. I have just been dumped. I am not going to beat around the bush, I have been dumped. I'm always the dumpee never the dumper. Look, I have another post I was going to post today, I'm going to start that post now.
That's all for now,
Thank you fo reading, Now and always
Sunday, 14 February 2016
Watch out for A post about MILK and Valentine's day
22:43-Sunday 14th February 2016
Hey guys,
Today has been a busy day but first, Happy Valentines Day. If you have valentines, I hope you have gotten him/her something. and can I just say a fake rose from Tesco's works wonders!
Anyway, today I went to this exhibition at the ExCeL London and I would go into the details however it has just gone 11:00 at night I have to get to sleep so look out tomorrow for a big about the exhibition and what I did there including MILK.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
Today has been a busy day but first, Happy Valentines Day. If you have valentines, I hope you have gotten him/her something. and can I just say a fake rose from Tesco's works wonders!
Anyway, today I went to this exhibition at the ExCeL London and I would go into the details however it has just gone 11:00 at night I have to get to sleep so look out tomorrow for a big about the exhibition and what I did there including MILK.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Saturday, 13 February 2016
Did i do something wrong?
16:24-Saturday 13th February 2016
Hey guys
Did in do something wrong? Its just that there was no blog veiws at all yesterday. Is it because of the poor quality of blog posts and the lack of them. I am really sorry if those are the reasons why its just i have been super super husy this week with cinema trips, birthdays,graviy trampoline parl pljs i have had a ton of homework as well i have learned that i have mu science mocks coming up the second week back. It has been full on tis week and i just havennt had thr time to relax. By the wah i am writjng this on my phone and i can not use a touch scree. Key board to save my life. Anyway i apollogise for the poor quLity of the blog. Ease stkck with meas we are four views away from 800 VIEWS plus i think that the eightyth post is coming up.
Thats all for now
Thanks for reading
Hey guys
Did in do something wrong? Its just that there was no blog veiws at all yesterday. Is it because of the poor quality of blog posts and the lack of them. I am really sorry if those are the reasons why its just i have been super super husy this week with cinema trips, birthdays,graviy trampoline parl pljs i have had a ton of homework as well i have learned that i have mu science mocks coming up the second week back. It has been full on tis week and i just havennt had thr time to relax. By the wah i am writjng this on my phone and i can not use a touch scree. Key board to save my life. Anyway i apollogise for the poor quLity of the blog. Ease stkck with meas we are four views away from 800 VIEWS plus i think that the eightyth post is coming up.
Thats all for now
Thanks for reading
Friday, 12 February 2016
OK, it's Half term and guitars
17:25-Friday 12th February 2016
Hey guys,
I have got home about 15 mins ago, and it is now offically half term and i don't go back to school for a week now. I honestly don't know what i going to do for it becaus ei don't really have anything to do, no homework, no nothing.
Thats really all except I am planing to buy a eletric guitar, That's really all and to be honest it's friday, i am tired and exhuasted,
That's all for now
Thanks for reading
Hey guys,
I have got home about 15 mins ago, and it is now offically half term and i don't go back to school for a week now. I honestly don't know what i going to do for it becaus ei don't really have anything to do, no homework, no nothing.
Thats really all except I am planing to buy a eletric guitar, That's really all and to be honest it's friday, i am tired and exhuasted,
That's all for now
Thanks for reading
Thursday, 11 February 2016
Gravity Falls, I think i've hurt my back!
21:23-Thursday 11th February 2016
Hey guys,
I am tired and hurt. I have just arrived back from a trampaline park called Gravity Falls. Now before I got there I wasn't sure of the place but while I was there it was AWESOME, now I will make it short as I have homework to do. So basically the floor is coved with tramplines and there are basket ball hoops and a giant foam pit! So anyway, I manged to finally get a slam dunk in the baskets(with a trampauline) and then I start to try and do some flips and I do a front flip no probs but then I treid to a backflip but then I fell on my back and it hurts like everything, I can't run without it hurting, ok it is 10 to 10, I got to go
That''s all for now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
I am tired and hurt. I have just arrived back from a trampaline park called Gravity Falls. Now before I got there I wasn't sure of the place but while I was there it was AWESOME, now I will make it short as I have homework to do. So basically the floor is coved with tramplines and there are basket ball hoops and a giant foam pit! So anyway, I manged to finally get a slam dunk in the baskets(with a trampauline) and then I start to try and do some flips and I do a front flip no probs but then I treid to a backflip but then I fell on my back and it hurts like everything, I can't run without it hurting, ok it is 10 to 10, I got to go
That''s all for now
Thanks For Reading
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
10:01-Wedsnesday 10th February 2016
Hey guys, I am currently in Food Tec and there is two of us, me and Will. so I have to make this short. Now today is Ash Wednesday, so I believe today is the start of Lent, so from today onwards until 40 days has passed, I am giving up Chocolate, Soft Drinks and Sweets. I will put a counter on the blog. If I consume any of those things I will have failed and I will video myself getting eggs thrown at me, so wish me luck.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys, I am currently in Food Tec and there is two of us, me and Will. so I have to make this short. Now today is Ash Wednesday, so I believe today is the start of Lent, so from today onwards until 40 days has passed, I am giving up Chocolate, Soft Drinks and Sweets. I will put a counter on the blog. If I consume any of those things I will have failed and I will video myself getting eggs thrown at me, so wish me luck.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21:07-Tuesday 9th February 2016
TODAY HAS BEEN THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's start with the present's I have received, here is a photo
TODAY HAS BEEN THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's start with the present's I have received, here is a photo
I got some cards,£30 (collectively), The Three Musketeers (book), The Musketeers Season 1, The Musketeers Season 2, Primark Gift Cards, a box of Star Wars Cereal (with a Lightsaber Spoon), the Manchester United Calendar 2016, An Aero Chocolate bar from my GF, and the complete collection of the original TRANSFORMERS cartoon from the 1980's!!!!!!!!!
And that is just the tip of iceberg. because after that we went to primark and got this AMAZING JACKET, of which I will post a photo tomorrow and then we went to Nando's. After that we just walked back and it was cold, so I held my GF's hand all the way back, then we just sat on the sofa for like an hour, looking at facebook and it was amazing because it was something normal!!!!!, I just can't believe it I did something normal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after that, we dropped her home, went to fencing and then I won all my matchs and got a first place medal in a competition we did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, IT WAS AMAZING, THIS IS OFFFICALLY THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's all for now
Thanks for Reading
Hey guys
Today is my birthday! Yay!!!!!! The plan today is to get through school then meet my GF, go over to the wing, get changed, cake and presents, go to Nandos, go to primark, get a jacket , drop off my gf, go to fencing , win all my fights, and then get back in time for a call from mum.
Got to go now, that's all for now.
Thanks for reading
Monday, 8 February 2016
The BIG Update-Contains Panto, Birthday, guitar and Rock Smith + Stuff
15:48-Monday 8th February 2016
Hey guys,
Here it is, the BIG update and it contains a lot so i am going to use a lot of heading, ready? Let's go!
My Birthday
It is officially T-8 HOURS till my BIRTHDAY, if you want a countdown, then click on this link:
It's counting down to my birthday at midnight! and i can not wait as on that birthday i am going to Nando's with my girlfriend and then i am going to Primark to buy a new jacket! and i think i am going to get The Musketeers series 1 and 2 box set! :) (Hopefully)
EDIT-16:09-I have just put a countdown timer on the blog, not sure if it has worked if not, um then use the link above
So in the weekend just gone, we finally performed the Panto, it was The Wicked Witches Of Oz. The second night was defiantly better then the first, it didn't help that, my bro forgot a massive piece of scene and we had to break character and make a thing out of it! Anyway, it went great and all of the cakes and biscuits i made for the interval went! the biscuits we gone by the end of the first night and the cakes soon followed on the second night. It went superb! i am currently writing this on a school computer but tomorrows post will have pictures
Guitar and Rock Smith
I was staying at my friends house this weekend and he plays drums but his dad plays the guitar, and remember how i said i was learning guitar, well i showed him the video of me playing guitar, wait did i show that video, if not i will post the link later. Anyway he showed me this program he had, it was called Rock Smith. It is so AWESOME!!!! it is basically Guitar Hero but instead of using that plastic toy guitar, you connect YOUR OWN, REAL guitar to it and use that, It can teach you to play in 6 days even if you don't have any experience with guitars here is their website:
Also I learnt G and E minor on the guitar Yay!
Ok, that is really all there is to this update, and i am pretty sure this is the longest post i have done in a while. Check back tomorrow for pictures of my birthday and Me at Panto!
That's all for now,
Thanks For Reading
Sunday, 7 February 2016
Big Post coming
Hey guys it is very late and i am very tired because of panto tomorrow there will be a masdive post about my entire weekend and other syufff plus why i havent posted. Also i am writing this from my phone and doing a bad job at that. So keep a look out for thenmassive update post tomorrow
Thanks for reading
Thanks for reading
Friday, 5 February 2016
Happy Friendship day
17:55-Friday 5th February 2016
Hey guys,
First off, sorry for not posting all day. today we had a whole school assembly so I couldn't get on the iPad's. and I only got home bout 20 mins ago. Sorry.
Anyway According to Facebook, it is Friendship Day and they have given me a video about my friends but most of it is about my family. You can view it here:
Oh, crap, sorry I thought I had clicked post, tonight's a slow night, I just spent the last 10-20 mins watching Cinema sins, My bad.
By the way, I had drama today and have chosen a monologue to do or my B-TEC, I have chosen Aston's monologue from Harrod Pinter's 'The Caretaker' I really like it because of the pace of it, all the others were really fast paced, so I think I can really show off what I have to offer. Great!
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
First off, sorry for not posting all day. today we had a whole school assembly so I couldn't get on the iPad's. and I only got home bout 20 mins ago. Sorry.
Anyway According to Facebook, it is Friendship Day and they have given me a video about my friends but most of it is about my family. You can view it here:
Oh, crap, sorry I thought I had clicked post, tonight's a slow night, I just spent the last 10-20 mins watching Cinema sins, My bad.
By the way, I had drama today and have chosen a monologue to do or my B-TEC, I have chosen Aston's monologue from Harrod Pinter's 'The Caretaker' I really like it because of the pace of it, all the others were really fast paced, so I think I can really show off what I have to offer. Great!
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Thursday, 4 February 2016
Early Bird,etc. Assembly, stuff oh and Cooking PLus Gresse Live
07:35-Thursday 4th January 2015
Hey guys, once again I'm an earl bird but instead of making another post about that I thought I would post about what I did last night, which was cooking. So I made biscuits and I should have taken a picture to post, and way I made chocolate chip cookies which I smothered in white chocolate and put marshmallows on top. the plan tonight is to make cup cakes, Yay! All this is for the panto I have been doing, this is for the interval.
On the next topic, Grease Live, Last night on ITV 2 Grease was performed live and I am really annoyed that I could get to the end of it because my curfew is 10 and lasted for more then 2 hours because it started at 8. and It was impressive doing it live, you know, all the songs, dance routines, lines. I do drama at school and have stared in a few productions my self, I played the lead in Bugsy Malone at my school and I had sooooo many lines.
I am going off track now and I have to go to breakfast now
That's all for now,
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys, once again I'm an earl bird but instead of making another post about that I thought I would post about what I did last night, which was cooking. So I made biscuits and I should have taken a picture to post, and way I made chocolate chip cookies which I smothered in white chocolate and put marshmallows on top. the plan tonight is to make cup cakes, Yay! All this is for the panto I have been doing, this is for the interval.
On the next topic, Grease Live, Last night on ITV 2 Grease was performed live and I am really annoyed that I could get to the end of it because my curfew is 10 and lasted for more then 2 hours because it started at 8. and It was impressive doing it live, you know, all the songs, dance routines, lines. I do drama at school and have stared in a few productions my self, I played the lead in Bugsy Malone at my school and I had sooooo many lines.
I am going off track now and I have to go to breakfast now
That's all for now,
Thanks For Reading
Wednesday, 3 February 2016
I have not had a good day
15:21-Wednesday 3rd February 2015
Hey guys, I have not had a good day. I'm not going to into it because it would probaley make no sense to you and well It seems incrediblebly petty. I am only posting this post to let you know why there isn't going to be a long post.
That's all for now
Thanks for reading
Hey guys, I have not had a good day. I'm not going to into it because it would probaley make no sense to you and well It seems incrediblebly petty. I am only posting this post to let you know why there isn't going to be a long post.
That's all for now
Thanks for reading
I can sorta play the G
08:58-Wednesday 3rd January 2016
Hey guys remember when I said I was playing guitar, well I learnt frets but my goal this week was to learn at least 3 chords which Are G C D wait I am being told right now that that I should learn A as well as it well easy, apparently. Anyway I learnt how to play G last night. I have about five minutes left before the bell and the morning ones are usually on the iPad and are quite short
Well that's all I have for now
Thanks for reading
Hey guys remember when I said I was playing guitar, well I learnt frets but my goal this week was to learn at least 3 chords which Are G C D wait I am being told right now that that I should learn A as well as it well easy, apparently. Anyway I learnt how to play G last night. I have about five minutes left before the bell and the morning ones are usually on the iPad and are quite short
Well that's all I have for now
Thanks for reading
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
Homework, Yay (sarcastic yay is sarcastic)
15:53-Tuesday 2nd January 2015
Hey guys sorry for abruptly ending the last post because I was multitasking, badly. anyway I have to make this one short as I have homework to get on with, but the problem with this homework isn't the fact I can't do it, it's the fact that it can only be 150-250 words long and it has to be a short story about trapping. However 250 words may sound like a lot but it is not.
76 words.
That is how many words there are in that short paragraph from Hey Guys to It's not. To add to that problem I have to show a strong use of reporting clauses and sentence structure and when I do that a sentence can 10-15 words. However it is a good sentence but a long one.
Anyway I better get on with that homework.
Thanks For Reading
Total Blog word count-153 words, 766 characters
Hey guys sorry for abruptly ending the last post because I was multitasking, badly. anyway I have to make this one short as I have homework to get on with, but the problem with this homework isn't the fact I can't do it, it's the fact that it can only be 150-250 words long and it has to be a short story about trapping. However 250 words may sound like a lot but it is not.
76 words.
That is how many words there are in that short paragraph from Hey Guys to It's not. To add to that problem I have to show a strong use of reporting clauses and sentence structure and when I do that a sentence can 10-15 words. However it is a good sentence but a long one.
Anyway I better get on with that homework.
Thanks For Reading
Total Blog word count-153 words, 766 characters
Rewards and sanctions
08:55-Tuesday 2nd February 2015
Hey guys,
So the teacher came in today and put some sheets in front of us, one sheet was about sanctions and the other about rewards. Now some of the sanctions I agree with: time out, detentions,etc however one I don,t agree with and that's the confiscation of personal items now that I don't agree with because it is a reidculuos rules because my stuff is my stuff. And the rewards aren't much better because there are patronising stuff like stickers oh crap the bell has just gone
Thanks for reading
Hey guys,
So the teacher came in today and put some sheets in front of us, one sheet was about sanctions and the other about rewards. Now some of the sanctions I agree with: time out, detentions,etc however one I don,t agree with and that's the confiscation of personal items now that I don't agree with because it is a reidculuos rules because my stuff is my stuff. And the rewards aren't much better because there are patronising stuff like stickers oh crap the bell has just gone
Thanks for reading
Monday, 1 February 2016
Dear Future Me
16:19-Monday 1st February 2016
Hey Guys, as I have mentioned in the last two posts, I had something lined up to write about today, so that is what this post is.
So yesterday I went to my Youth group called 'Y' and there we did an activity which was writing a letter but to ourselves these letters are now in a box in the Youth buildings office until July when we will receive them back and we then get to read them. It is a really good thing as it can inspire you when you read it back. Scott, the leader of that activity, he had done it before and he had got his back last week and he said that he was trying not laugh and cry at what he wrote. Anyway, In my one, I wrote about all the good things that had happened and that I don't need to be so hard on myself all the time.
That's really what I wrote about, and I think it is a really good Idea so much that I am going to do one each month and then open it 6 months later. and I hope I do forget what I have written in that letter so I can be happy when I read it.
That's all for now,
Thanks For Reading
Hey Guys, as I have mentioned in the last two posts, I had something lined up to write about today, so that is what this post is.
So yesterday I went to my Youth group called 'Y' and there we did an activity which was writing a letter but to ourselves these letters are now in a box in the Youth buildings office until July when we will receive them back and we then get to read them. It is a really good thing as it can inspire you when you read it back. Scott, the leader of that activity, he had done it before and he had got his back last week and he said that he was trying not laugh and cry at what he wrote. Anyway, In my one, I wrote about all the good things that had happened and that I don't need to be so hard on myself all the time.
That's really what I wrote about, and I think it is a really good Idea so much that I am going to do one each month and then open it 6 months later. and I hope I do forget what I have written in that letter so I can be happy when I read it.
That's all for now,
Thanks For Reading
A picture for 700
15:54-Monday 1st February 2016
Hey guys as I said in my last post, I was writing on the iPad so I couldn't post a piece of my art as a milestone thing, it's a thing we do around here. So here it is
Once again I can't see it because I am using a school computer. Ok this is the cover to the graphic novel I am writing, I am changing the name though I just think the name is not right if you know what I mean. Anyway this post is meant to be ab short one as I had another post lined up to write today, that post will be posted shortly.
Thanks For reading
Hey guys as I said in my last post, I was writing on the iPad so I couldn't post a piece of my art as a milestone thing, it's a thing we do around here. So here it is
Once again I can't see it because I am using a school computer. Ok this is the cover to the graphic novel I am writing, I am changing the name though I just think the name is not right if you know what I mean. Anyway this post is meant to be ab short one as I had another post lined up to write today, that post will be posted shortly.
Thanks For reading
WOW 700 VIEWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08:55-Monday 1st February 2016
Hey Guys
Wow I have just looked at the blog view counter and at the time of this post we have reached 700 VIEWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am writing in the iPad so later after school I will post a celebratory piece of art later. Also I had something's to talk about later as well. But thank you for reading everyday to write this post is amazing because I never thought I would reach 700 views.
That's all for now, look out for two more posts today
Thanks for reading
Hey Guys
Wow I have just looked at the blog view counter and at the time of this post we have reached 700 VIEWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am writing in the iPad so later after school I will post a celebratory piece of art later. Also I had something's to talk about later as well. But thank you for reading everyday to write this post is amazing because I never thought I would reach 700 views.
That's all for now, look out for two more posts today
Thanks for reading
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