22:04-Tuesday 31st May 2016
Hey guys,
I usually talk about my day but nothing much has actually happened today, well, actually that's a lie because I went to this family fun day at the Hornby's Vistors centre. It was meant to be outside, but because it started to rain, they moved it inside. However, this made the inside SUPER cramped because there was a lot of people there. Anyway, it was all a fundraising event for Cancer Research, there were things like a raffle and a tombola. As well there were those guessing competitions, you know, 'Guess how many so and so are in the jar'. There was one to win a car, a train set, among others.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
This is my blog. It is about me, Daniel Mawardi. I live in the UK and I'm almost 16. I write about my day to day life or just other things that I want to talk about. Enjoy.
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Monday, 30 May 2016
Best Day Ever!
19:09-Monday 30th May 2016
Hey guys,
Like I predicted, I wasn't able to post yesterday because I got in around gone 1pm!
Anyway, Yesterday was AMAZING. But before I continue, I went to this festival called the Big Church Day Out. So I will be talking about Christian worship music and other Christian stuff, Now If your against that kind of thing (and that's Ok, you have the right to your own opinion) and this post might offend you, then don;t read this post because I have no intention of offending anyone.
Now, to the people who are still here. Let me tell you the highlights of my day: All of it!
But seriously there were some amazing moments. One was the hour I spent at the Illuminate stage watching LZ7 (My new favourite band) It was a massive mosh pit! I am still hurting all over. The music they did was AMAZING. The new album dropped yesterday at BCDO, so they played their new songs so I can't find their new songs on YouTube for you guys to listen to, But I found one they released earlier so here is one of their songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1CQVg1-0iE As well here is their Spotify page: spotify:artist:0OaQ5i3Ufxi4Vx5mWUNgWW
Also, I got a signed poster of the band! It was hand signed, I mean that I was there when they signed it! I don't have it to hand, so I will have to post a picture of it later in the week. As well speaking of things I got, these cool dog tags with the 4 points on it:
Anyway, The another awesome Thing was Matt Redman, He is one of the biggest names in Worship, and I saw him LIVE! But midway through his act, there was this ceremony for the people who wanted to start having Jesus in the driving seat. These people did this prayer, and then they held up their phones with the torches on. (And because there was this big screen showing this camera's view) I saw so many lights in air, out of the20,000+ strong crowd. It was so inspiring!
Speaking of crowds it was INSANE to see the ocean of people, there was no grass to be seen!
That is the highlights, wait, New world sons, you guys have got to check them out!
Anyway, next year I am totally doing the FULL weekend, as well as camping the weekend as well!
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
Like I predicted, I wasn't able to post yesterday because I got in around gone 1pm!
Anyway, Yesterday was AMAZING. But before I continue, I went to this festival called the Big Church Day Out. So I will be talking about Christian worship music and other Christian stuff, Now If your against that kind of thing (and that's Ok, you have the right to your own opinion) and this post might offend you, then don;t read this post because I have no intention of offending anyone.
Now, to the people who are still here. Let me tell you the highlights of my day: All of it!
But seriously there were some amazing moments. One was the hour I spent at the Illuminate stage watching LZ7 (My new favourite band) It was a massive mosh pit! I am still hurting all over. The music they did was AMAZING. The new album dropped yesterday at BCDO, so they played their new songs so I can't find their new songs on YouTube for you guys to listen to, But I found one they released earlier so here is one of their songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1CQVg1-0iE As well here is their Spotify page: spotify:artist:0OaQ5i3Ufxi4Vx5mWUNgWW
Also, I got a signed poster of the band! It was hand signed, I mean that I was there when they signed it! I don't have it to hand, so I will have to post a picture of it later in the week. As well speaking of things I got, these cool dog tags with the 4 points on it:
Anyway, The another awesome Thing was Matt Redman, He is one of the biggest names in Worship, and I saw him LIVE! But midway through his act, there was this ceremony for the people who wanted to start having Jesus in the driving seat. These people did this prayer, and then they held up their phones with the torches on. (And because there was this big screen showing this camera's view) I saw so many lights in air, out of the20,000+ strong crowd. It was so inspiring!
Speaking of crowds it was INSANE to see the ocean of people, there was no grass to be seen!
That is the highlights, wait, New world sons, you guys have got to check them out!
Anyway, next year I am totally doing the FULL weekend, as well as camping the weekend as well!
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Saturday, 28 May 2016
A spring clean and Tomorrow
23:25-Saturday 28th May 2016
Hey guys,
Today was pretty bland, it was a massive spring clean of the entire house because it is now a half term. Because of that, I had to empty my wardrobe and go through all my clothes and try them on, to see if they still fit.
That was today, But I am sooooooooooo excited for tomorrow. I am going to The Big Church Day Out! It is the massive church based festival, however, I am leaving early at 9:30, so I better get to bed.But I am not getting back to gone midnight, so There probably won't be a post tomorrow. Like I said earlier I better get to sleep.
That's All For Now
Thanks For Watching
Hey guys,
Today was pretty bland, it was a massive spring clean of the entire house because it is now a half term. Because of that, I had to empty my wardrobe and go through all my clothes and try them on, to see if they still fit.
That was today, But I am sooooooooooo excited for tomorrow. I am going to The Big Church Day Out! It is the massive church based festival, however, I am leaving early at 9:30, so I better get to bed.But I am not getting back to gone midnight, so There probably won't be a post tomorrow. Like I said earlier I better get to sleep.
That's All For Now
Thanks For Watching
Possible Changes
00:24-Saturday 28th May 2016
Hey guys,
Sorry about the last post, because the auto shutdown sequence had started when i was writing that post. So I had to quickly finish that off, It' gotten late here so I'll make a new post tomorrow about yesterday. But before I go, a few days back I said i had finally got a back account. So I was wondering whether I should put ad revenue on the blog. I thought I should let you guys know before i did it. If you have any thoughts on the matter comment below.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
Sorry about the last post, because the auto shutdown sequence had started when i was writing that post. So I had to quickly finish that off, It' gotten late here so I'll make a new post tomorrow about yesterday. But before I go, a few days back I said i had finally got a back account. So I was wondering whether I should put ad revenue on the blog. I thought I should let you guys know before i did it. If you have any thoughts on the matter comment below.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Thursday, 26 May 2016
A BBQ and a Film
22:15-Thursday 26th May 2016
Hey guys,
Sorry for not posting, time got away from me. But I have to make this short because I need an early night. Anyway, yesterday we had a BBQ and It was nice, I'm so considering buying a BBQ but anyway, we have some chicken, beef, prk, samon and finally we toasted some marshmellows! It was super good.
Today, We watched this film that we made last year, and all the old guys that left last year came back
and it was super great.
Sorry But I have to go now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
Sorry for not posting, time got away from me. But I have to make this short because I need an early night. Anyway, yesterday we had a BBQ and It was nice, I'm so considering buying a BBQ but anyway, we have some chicken, beef, prk, samon and finally we toasted some marshmellows! It was super good.
Today, We watched this film that we made last year, and all the old guys that left last year came back
and it was super great.
Sorry But I have to go now
Thanks For Reading
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
Happy 2000 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19:38-Tuesday 24th May 2016
Hey guys,
I know I am about 51 views late but better late then never, right? Anyway, I have the finished the blog ART however, It is a bit rushed but I looed at my week, today is my only free day, and if I don't get it done now, I won't get it done, so here is the blog Art for 2000 views!
Hey guys,
I know I am about 51 views late but better late then never, right? Anyway, I have the finished the blog ART however, It is a bit rushed but I looed at my week, today is my only free day, and if I don't get it done now, I won't get it done, so here is the blog Art for 2000 views!
Now before I go onto, my routine speech about how this blog is nothing without you guys, I am making a change to how I run the blog. I am deciding that I will only do milestone posts every 250 views from now on, Because otherwise the art gets on top, so I hope that is ok.
Anyway, I would like to say thank you to you guys, the readers. Because I can write a post a day, I can do milestone art, I can do all that but without you guys reading every day, I wouldn't be writing this post right now, So thank you guys for reading every day.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Yesterday + 2 Long due Art
16:14-Tuesday 24th May 2016
Hey guys,
I am really sorry for not posting in the last 2 days, I can explain. But nevertheless, I thought I should make up for this. I have done this by finishing all 3 of the missing blog ART. However, I am upload only two of them in this post and the third one will have it's own post.
Ok here are the blog Art for 1800 and 1900 views:
Hey guys,
I am really sorry for not posting in the last 2 days, I can explain. But nevertheless, I thought I should make up for this. I have done this by finishing all 3 of the missing blog ART. However, I am upload only two of them in this post and the third one will have it's own post.
Ok here are the blog Art for 1800 and 1900 views:
Now let me talk about what I did yesterday. So at the end of each term as a residence, we go out to do a big activity. In the past we have done Go-Karting, Trampalining, Laxer Quest, Etc. So this term we went to Howletts Animal Park. At the park they have a thing called, 'The Treetop Challenge'. So you wear a harness, and get clipped into the rig. You then start to go over this obstacle course, which is hanging in the air in-between them are platforms. There are obstacles like a balance beam, bendy bridge, a sideways net climbing thing, etc. The whole thing ends with a zip-line, where the landing ground is a bark mound. but if you don't stick the landing you get bark up your back.
I have to other post to write as well as homework so
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Saturday, 21 May 2016
A new place for my money + Itailian Food
22:35-Saturday 21st May 2016
Hey guys,
Sorry about the late posting, I've been at a dinner. It was an Italian themed dinner, with 4 courses. I would tell you what I had but I can't pronounce or spell it! Anyway, It is was a great dinner, with after dinner entertainment from a live band.
So that happen but also, today I finally got a bank account! Finally, I have waited for ages to get one, I have 2 accounts: A U19 account and a savings account. Now I can finally use the money I get as gifts on my Steam account (If you didn't know, Steam is a platform on which you can buy and play games). I have to get to bed, early start tomorrow, But I promise you, I will post the Blog Art tomorrow, I still haven't looked at the view counter just in case.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
Sorry about the late posting, I've been at a dinner. It was an Italian themed dinner, with 4 courses. I would tell you what I had but I can't pronounce or spell it! Anyway, It is was a great dinner, with after dinner entertainment from a live band.
So that happen but also, today I finally got a bank account! Finally, I have waited for ages to get one, I have 2 accounts: A U19 account and a savings account. Now I can finally use the money I get as gifts on my Steam account (If you didn't know, Steam is a platform on which you can buy and play games). I have to get to bed, early start tomorrow, But I promise you, I will post the Blog Art tomorrow, I still haven't looked at the view counter just in case.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Friday, 20 May 2016
I'm Back
19:36-Friday 20th May 2016
Hey guys,
I'm back after a week of absence. Now things have happened in the week, I'll fill you but I have some homework to attend to so I'll have to make it quick:
That is really all that has gone on, However, I haven't looked at the View count because I am almost finished with the Blog Art.
Harris has just called Dinner.
That's all for Now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
I'm back after a week of absence. Now things have happened in the week, I'll fill you but I have some homework to attend to so I'll have to make it quick:
- The 4 out of the 5 exams I have had went really good.
- There 2 fights are school: in one someone got punched in the face, and the other one, someone got stabbed, I don't really want to go into detail.
- I have almost finished the first episode of Daniel Learns to play. It should be up tonight.
That is really all that has gone on, However, I haven't looked at the View count because I am almost finished with the Blog Art.
Harris has just called Dinner.
That's all for Now
Thanks For Reading
Monday, 16 May 2016
10 Views away, Sorry And a week of Exams
15:36-Monday 16th May 2016
Hey guys,
First of, I'm am really sorry for not posting yesterday, because by the time we got back from London, it was gone 12. But more on that later.
Before I get started, I am letting you guys know that I have exams all this week as well, I have one next week as well, so I might not be posting sometimes during the week, due to being stressed as well as revising.
Anyway, I have noticed that we are ten views away from 2000 views! This post will hopefully push it over the view point!
I probably fill you in on what happened Yesterday.
Well it started like any other, I woke up and watched YouTube. But then I had to do some more cleaning to the room so it was done. However after that I found out that we had to go to London in the car, So off we went in the car and drove to London, it took about 2 hours.
So we went to see Mum and Dennis (on a side note, Dennis is really BIG now, however that may be because I last saw in March). By the time we were ready to leave London, It was gone 10pm, so after the journey home, it was gone 12pm. However, I was so tired I just went straight to bed.
Then I woke up today at 7:30.
Today has been average. Nothing worth writing about.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
First of, I'm am really sorry for not posting yesterday, because by the time we got back from London, it was gone 12. But more on that later.
Before I get started, I am letting you guys know that I have exams all this week as well, I have one next week as well, so I might not be posting sometimes during the week, due to being stressed as well as revising.
Anyway, I have noticed that we are ten views away from 2000 views! This post will hopefully push it over the view point!
I probably fill you in on what happened Yesterday.
Well it started like any other, I woke up and watched YouTube. But then I had to do some more cleaning to the room so it was done. However after that I found out that we had to go to London in the car, So off we went in the car and drove to London, it took about 2 hours.
So we went to see Mum and Dennis (on a side note, Dennis is really BIG now, however that may be because I last saw in March). By the time we were ready to leave London, It was gone 10pm, so after the journey home, it was gone 12pm. However, I was so tired I just went straight to bed.
Then I woke up today at 7:30.
Today has been average. Nothing worth writing about.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Saturday, 14 May 2016
Got To get to work
11:21-Saturday 14th May 2016
Hey guys,
Today I am having a maasive spring clean, so i gotta make this short, I mean a MASSIVE spring clean and I have ONE day to do so, wish me luck.
Just to let you know as of writing this post we have 25 views left until 2000 VIEWS!
Got to go clean
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
Today I am having a maasive spring clean, so i gotta make this short, I mean a MASSIVE spring clean and I have ONE day to do so, wish me luck.
Just to let you know as of writing this post we have 25 views left until 2000 VIEWS!
Got to go clean
Thanks For Reading
Thursday, 12 May 2016
Long overdue art
19:41-Thursday 12th May 2016
Hey guys,
I have finally done it,
I have completed some of the Blog ART! Here have a look:
There is the 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600 and 1700 view art! I am starting the 1800 and the 1900 view art.
I have had a boring day and I still have LOADS of work to do.
That's all for now
Thanks for reading
Hey guys,
I have finally done it,
I have completed some of the Blog ART! Here have a look:
There is the 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600 and 1700 view art! I am starting the 1800 and the 1900 view art.
I have had a boring day and I still have LOADS of work to do.
That's all for now
Thanks for reading
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Bad recording session + Masive Work Load AND GIANT PINEAPPLES
21:10-Wednesday 11th May 2016
Hey guys,
I have a massive workload, That I can't get done, I know I am taking time out of time I could be working to write this but I wanted to do sol because I care about the blog.
Anyway, Today I did the first recording Session of Daniel Learns to Play, (My new Segment) However, It was more stressful then I anticipated, I mean Learning to song notes isn't the hard part, CHANGING in between them is! Anyway, I will figure it out.
Let me tell you about today, Today I made GIANT PINEAPPLES! Basically because I'm one of the hard workers in art, so me and four others got excused from lessons to be Young Leaders for the younger years. So there is about 18 of us in this room using willow to make skeletal pineapple frames.
I have to make tomorrows lunch and put the washing on.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
I have a massive workload, That I can't get done, I know I am taking time out of time I could be working to write this but I wanted to do sol because I care about the blog.
Anyway, Today I did the first recording Session of Daniel Learns to Play, (My new Segment) However, It was more stressful then I anticipated, I mean Learning to song notes isn't the hard part, CHANGING in between them is! Anyway, I will figure it out.
Let me tell you about today, Today I made GIANT PINEAPPLES! Basically because I'm one of the hard workers in art, so me and four others got excused from lessons to be Young Leaders for the younger years. So there is about 18 of us in this room using willow to make skeletal pineapple frames.
I have to make tomorrows lunch and put the washing on.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
New Recording Set-Up, Plus stuff
15:49-Tuesday 10th May 2016
Hey guys,
Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was busy doing a recording session and Because at the end of May Season 3 of The Musketeers starts (YES!), I started to watch the first and second seasons again (I got both for my Birthday). So I ran out of time. So today I am making up for that, I would tell you about today, But, I'll be honest, It was shit. But anyway, onto what I did yesterday.
Like I said earlier I did a recording session however this recording session was different to the others, This was my first recording session with my new recording set-up, I did a few diagrams in MS Paint

Ok, I can't see them But the diagram with more colours on it is the one I am describing here.
I am the circle sitting in my chair , The Camera is the small Grey square with the blues, This is the camera on a tripod which can see the side of my face. Now I record the computer screen. While the camera records the side of my face.
Ok Now I am talking about the second diagram (The one with the face).
Once I have finished recording I composite them together in HitFilm4 Express. A brilliant piece of video editing software. The hard part is getting the camera video and the screen video in sync. I have the camera footage in the corner and the screen footage takes centre stage.
Once That is done and I have exported it looks like this:
Hey guys,
Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was busy doing a recording session and Because at the end of May Season 3 of The Musketeers starts (YES!), I started to watch the first and second seasons again (I got both for my Birthday). So I ran out of time. So today I am making up for that, I would tell you about today, But, I'll be honest, It was shit. But anyway, onto what I did yesterday.
Like I said earlier I did a recording session however this recording session was different to the others, This was my first recording session with my new recording set-up, I did a few diagrams in MS Paint

Ok, I can't see them But the diagram with more colours on it is the one I am describing here.
I am the circle sitting in my chair , The Camera is the small Grey square with the blues, This is the camera on a tripod which can see the side of my face. Now I record the computer screen. While the camera records the side of my face.
Ok Now I am talking about the second diagram (The one with the face).
Once I have finished recording I composite them together in HitFilm4 Express. A brilliant piece of video editing software. The hard part is getting the camera video and the screen video in sync. I have the camera footage in the corner and the screen footage takes centre stage.
Once That is done and I have exported it looks like this:
I'll post the video link once I upload the video to YouTube
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Sunday, 8 May 2016
Epic Music and Christenings
23:20-Sunday 8th May 2016
Hey guys,
Today I was at a christening today, so I had to wear a suit, here is a pic:
Well, the picture isn't working, so I post that tomorrow, Anyway, onto what I was going to say. Today I discovered an AMAZING person, His name is EROCK, He does Metal Guitar Covers to LOADS of things: e.g Let It Go from Frozen, Back to the Future and We found love by Rihanna.
Here's a link to the channel:
He is amazing! I would totally tell you guys to check him out.
I need to get to sleep,
So that's all for now
Thaks For Reading
Hey guys,
Today I was at a christening today, so I had to wear a suit, here is a pic:
Well, the picture isn't working, so I post that tomorrow, Anyway, onto what I was going to say. Today I discovered an AMAZING person, His name is EROCK, He does Metal Guitar Covers to LOADS of things: e.g Let It Go from Frozen, Back to the Future and We found love by Rihanna.
Here's a link to the channel:
He is amazing! I would totally tell you guys to check him out.
I need to get to sleep,
So that's all for now
Thaks For Reading
Saturday, 7 May 2016
Happy 1900 Views
19:21-Saturday 7th May 2016
Hey guys,
I have just got in from a LONG walk home, I have been out all day with my bro's And i got home to write about that but I am super tired and we have passed 1900 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!
When i saw this it made me realise that noe of this, and absoulutely NOTHING, would be possible without you, the reader. I ahven't thanked you guys propally since before 1000 views. I started this blog only a few months ago, and i never thought that it would get almost 2000 views. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading day after day, and even when i don't post sometimes you guys keep on coming back the next day, I have go and edit some videos for the channel, but once again, Thank you.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
I have just got in from a LONG walk home, I have been out all day with my bro's And i got home to write about that but I am super tired and we have passed 1900 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!
When i saw this it made me realise that noe of this, and absoulutely NOTHING, would be possible without you, the reader. I ahven't thanked you guys propally since before 1000 views. I started this blog only a few months ago, and i never thought that it would get almost 2000 views. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading day after day, and even when i don't post sometimes you guys keep on coming back the next day, I have go and edit some videos for the channel, but once again, Thank you.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Friday, 6 May 2016
OK, Let's do this
18:30-Friday 6th May 2016
Hey guys,
I have a lot of info to fill you guys in with. So first I will explain why I didn't post last night, Well, as I said earlier I went out to get my hair cut and after that, I went to McDonalds to have a key work session, and when i got back i had work to do so before i knew it was 10:00
sorry about that.
Anyway, I had my hair cut, here's a pic
Ok as you can see I went Grade one round the sides and a little of the front but enough left to style. And that was my hair cut.
After that, I went to McDonalds and i got the Tennesse stack, and it is SO NICE, As well I had the Frozen Strawberry Lemonade which was also nice.
Oh crap!
I am so sorry, I didn't realise the time, I have videos to edit and Upload, I have to go
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
I have a lot of info to fill you guys in with. So first I will explain why I didn't post last night, Well, as I said earlier I went out to get my hair cut and after that, I went to McDonalds to have a key work session, and when i got back i had work to do so before i knew it was 10:00
sorry about that.
Anyway, I had my hair cut, here's a pic
Ok as you can see I went Grade one round the sides and a little of the front but enough left to style. And that was my hair cut.
After that, I went to McDonalds and i got the Tennesse stack, and it is SO NICE, As well I had the Frozen Strawberry Lemonade which was also nice.
Oh crap!
I am so sorry, I didn't realise the time, I have videos to edit and Upload, I have to go
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
WOW! I had no idea
14:54-Friday 6th May 2016
Hey guys,
Sorry for not posting yesterday, I went to get my hair cut, I am going to post a longer post later today, in which I will talk about:
My Hair cut
Reasons why I didn't post
among other things
But I have just realised that We have WAY past 1800 Views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, I Will have to add it to my list of Blog ART, but I will definitely get to it, not sure when but I will definitely do it.
I will explain everything later.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
Sorry for not posting yesterday, I went to get my hair cut, I am going to post a longer post later today, in which I will talk about:
My Hair cut
Reasons why I didn't post
among other things
But I have just realised that We have WAY past 1800 Views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, I Will have to add it to my list of Blog ART, but I will definitely get to it, not sure when but I will definitely do it.
I will explain everything later.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
Pretty good, As well new segments
21:08-Wednesday 4th May 2016
Hey guys,
Like I said, I have gone and seen Captain America: Civil War. I have recorded my reviews and I will get them edited as soon as possible but while on the subject of my YouTube channel, I thought I could tell you that I have TWO new segments coming to the Channel:
1) After consulting my friends and family, they have all said do 'Daniel Learns to Play' so I am choosing that option. So next week, I will start my first recording session of that segment.
2) Now the second segment that is coming to the channel is not that new actually, but it hasn't been made an official segment on the channel it is called THE REVIEW SHOW, It is the only name I can think of right now but I have been thinking of one to use, let me know if you have any ideas for names!
Anyway, I have to get going,
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
Like I said, I have gone and seen Captain America: Civil War. I have recorded my reviews and I will get them edited as soon as possible but while on the subject of my YouTube channel, I thought I could tell you that I have TWO new segments coming to the Channel:
1) After consulting my friends and family, they have all said do 'Daniel Learns to Play' so I am choosing that option. So next week, I will start my first recording session of that segment.
2) Now the second segment that is coming to the channel is not that new actually, but it hasn't been made an official segment on the channel it is called THE REVIEW SHOW, It is the only name I can think of right now but I have been thinking of one to use, let me know if you have any ideas for names!
Anyway, I have to get going,
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Cinema, no time to talk
Hey guys,
I will do a proper post later but in about 3 ins I am leaving to go Captain America Civil War, but I wanted to update you on that fact, I do have other things to talk about but I will do that later
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
I will do a proper post later but in about 3 ins I am leaving to go Captain America Civil War, but I wanted to update you on that fact, I do have other things to talk about but I will do that later
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
I am Super stressed right now
15:41-Tuesday 3rd May 2016
Hey guys,
I am super stressed right now. It's just I have too many things to do and everything is going wrong! When I woke up today I thought today was going to be a ok sorta day, I wasn't expecting it to be brilliant but just OK, where I would just get by but everything has gone wrong.
I mean I barley did anything in the first of the 2 periods of English that I had and the work I did get done isn't at my standard of what I want my work to be. And then I get up on the wing and find that I have forgotten like half of my clothes, as well, Last Friday I was rushing around trying to get all my stuff packed but what I forgot to do was to put the lid back on my hair wax, which meant that it the middle of it dried out and the sides became like jelly! Which is great but I just don't have time to worry about stuff because I have too much work to-do and I have less time to do said work because of the bloody bank holiday!
Oh I also found out that I have a week full of exams, so I have to revise for those on top of everything else, like what I am meant to do? I can't do multiple things at once or it just gets too much and I don't have time to do one thing at a time!
I have to go and figure this crap out,
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
I am super stressed right now. It's just I have too many things to do and everything is going wrong! When I woke up today I thought today was going to be a ok sorta day, I wasn't expecting it to be brilliant but just OK, where I would just get by but everything has gone wrong.
I mean I barley did anything in the first of the 2 periods of English that I had and the work I did get done isn't at my standard of what I want my work to be. And then I get up on the wing and find that I have forgotten like half of my clothes, as well, Last Friday I was rushing around trying to get all my stuff packed but what I forgot to do was to put the lid back on my hair wax, which meant that it the middle of it dried out and the sides became like jelly! Which is great but I just don't have time to worry about stuff because I have too much work to-do and I have less time to do said work because of the bloody bank holiday!
Oh I also found out that I have a week full of exams, so I have to revise for those on top of everything else, like what I am meant to do? I can't do multiple things at once or it just gets too much and I don't have time to do one thing at a time!
I have to go and figure this crap out,
Thanks For Reading
Monday, 2 May 2016
I'm back! Part 2 (2 week old news)
12:13-Monday 2nd May 2016
Hey guys,
Now before I start your probably wondering why I'm not in school today, well it is because of MayDay Bank Holiday, and that means I am not in school today. Anyway onto some overdue news.
So two weeks ago I did my independence week, and I filmed it all, HOWEVER, due to security reasons I am not allowed to release this footage and that is a shame because there is some really good stuff in there. BUT luckily for you am allowed to talk about it and I am allowed to release certain images from the footage as long as I am the only one in the photo. Let's get started.
So the Monday was the first day of it all, one of the first things I had to was hand over all of my toiletries.
After that, we had this INCREDIBLY long talk with the head of care about te rules of the week and what is expected of us, etc. After that, we finally got ahold of the money, a full £45:
Once everything was sorted, the trio (Me, Jack and Bryn) finally set out on our EPIC JOURNEY, to Lidl. We started to walk there and it took AGES! well, we finally got there and I picked up my basket and set off into the store picking up the things I needed: Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Food, toiletries, etc. Now a photo would go here but I don't have a good enough shot of said shopping to use. Anyway, Once we got back I started to make my dinner, it was Pasta and sauce with melted cheese.
And it was DELISCOUS I mean I knew I was a good cook but I had always had help with it but this meal was the first meal I had cooked all on my own!
Anyway, after that, I made my packed lunch for the next day, it comprised of:
A Chicken paste sandwich
One satsuma
Two sausage rolls
One Yogurt
One caramel Wafer bar
Once carton of Apple juice
And that is all I had in the packed lunch but the next stage was I tin foiled EVERYTHING right down to the spoon for the yogurt!
Finally, I put my washing on and that is really all I did for Monday. Now I would go onto the rest of the week but I haven't stopped writing since I started the post at 12:13 and it is now 12:42, and I have some video's to edit and upload. I'll write the next day tomorrow.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
Now before I start your probably wondering why I'm not in school today, well it is because of MayDay Bank Holiday, and that means I am not in school today. Anyway onto some overdue news.
So two weeks ago I did my independence week, and I filmed it all, HOWEVER, due to security reasons I am not allowed to release this footage and that is a shame because there is some really good stuff in there. BUT luckily for you am allowed to talk about it and I am allowed to release certain images from the footage as long as I am the only one in the photo. Let's get started.
So the Monday was the first day of it all, one of the first things I had to was hand over all of my toiletries.
After that, we had this INCREDIBLY long talk with the head of care about te rules of the week and what is expected of us, etc. After that, we finally got ahold of the money, a full £45:
Once everything was sorted, the trio (Me, Jack and Bryn) finally set out on our EPIC JOURNEY, to Lidl. We started to walk there and it took AGES! well, we finally got there and I picked up my basket and set off into the store picking up the things I needed: Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Food, toiletries, etc. Now a photo would go here but I don't have a good enough shot of said shopping to use. Anyway, Once we got back I started to make my dinner, it was Pasta and sauce with melted cheese.
And it was DELISCOUS I mean I knew I was a good cook but I had always had help with it but this meal was the first meal I had cooked all on my own!
Anyway, after that, I made my packed lunch for the next day, it comprised of:
A Chicken paste sandwich
One satsuma
Two sausage rolls
One Yogurt
One caramel Wafer bar
Once carton of Apple juice
And that is all I had in the packed lunch but the next stage was I tin foiled EVERYTHING right down to the spoon for the yogurt!
Finally, I put my washing on and that is really all I did for Monday. Now I would go onto the rest of the week but I haven't stopped writing since I started the post at 12:13 and it is now 12:42, and I have some video's to edit and upload. I'll write the next day tomorrow.
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Sunday, 1 May 2016
I'm back! Pt.1 (Today News)
22:29-Sunday 1st May 2016
Hey guys,
That s**** that went down as finally blown over, I did say that the hiatus was going to be brief.
Anyway, in this part I am going to talk about what has happened today:
Let's get started:
Today two important things happened. Let's start with item 1: I and harris were waiting for a bus when four girls came along and they were ANNOYING, Laughing and being rude and loud. But then the STRANGEST and the scariest thing happened. The girls just finished some stupid chat and then some guy in a car pulled up on the other side of the road he waited for the car to go past. I thought he was popping into the chippie but then he stormed across the road, with his PHONE OUT, and started to shout at these girls while taking pictures of their faces at the same time : "OI YOU LITTLE C*****, STAY THE F**** AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER, OTHERWISE I'LL BEAT THE F******* S**** OUT OF YOU" And those are the words I managed to hear, but I know he said! The girls were scared s***less but then the STRANGEST THING HAPPEN AGAIN! At the other end of the street, and I mean a good twenty metres away, there was about 20-30kids (the same age as the girls). Well anyway, they saw what was going down and they ALL STARTED TO RUN!!!! Down the street. they came charging. The man obviously saw this finished up his cussing and went back to his car, however just as he finished up some of the faster boys of the group had arrived, the man looked at them and gave them the 2 fingered salute! Well, he managed to get away without any more trouble. Bu oh boy, me and Harris were like: don't move, don't say anything, don't make eye contact, BE INVISIBLE! But on the bus, we could hear the girls complaining and swearing and they started to construct a lie about what had happened making them seem like victims. I'm not saying they started this but they must have been bullying this other girl. for that reaction out of some parent.
Now that I have written that all out The other item seems less interesting and important: But anyway, Remember a few months back when I talked about ordering the MENU. Well today I started to put that plan into action by writing down all the prices, (excluding Breakfast and meal prices) Here's a picture:
I am getting really tired now, So I'll have to go
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
Hey guys,
That s**** that went down as finally blown over, I did say that the hiatus was going to be brief.
Anyway, in this part I am going to talk about what has happened today:
Let's get started:
Today two important things happened. Let's start with item 1: I and harris were waiting for a bus when four girls came along and they were ANNOYING, Laughing and being rude and loud. But then the STRANGEST and the scariest thing happened. The girls just finished some stupid chat and then some guy in a car pulled up on the other side of the road he waited for the car to go past. I thought he was popping into the chippie but then he stormed across the road, with his PHONE OUT, and started to shout at these girls while taking pictures of their faces at the same time : "OI YOU LITTLE C*****, STAY THE F**** AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER, OTHERWISE I'LL BEAT THE F******* S**** OUT OF YOU" And those are the words I managed to hear, but I know he said! The girls were scared s***less but then the STRANGEST THING HAPPEN AGAIN! At the other end of the street, and I mean a good twenty metres away, there was about 20-30kids (the same age as the girls). Well anyway, they saw what was going down and they ALL STARTED TO RUN!!!! Down the street. they came charging. The man obviously saw this finished up his cussing and went back to his car, however just as he finished up some of the faster boys of the group had arrived, the man looked at them and gave them the 2 fingered salute! Well, he managed to get away without any more trouble. Bu oh boy, me and Harris were like: don't move, don't say anything, don't make eye contact, BE INVISIBLE! But on the bus, we could hear the girls complaining and swearing and they started to construct a lie about what had happened making them seem like victims. I'm not saying they started this but they must have been bullying this other girl. for that reaction out of some parent.
Now that I have written that all out The other item seems less interesting and important: But anyway, Remember a few months back when I talked about ordering the MENU. Well today I started to put that plan into action by writing down all the prices, (excluding Breakfast and meal prices) Here's a picture:
I am getting really tired now, So I'll have to go
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
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