Hey guys,
Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was busy doing a recording session and Because at the end of May Season 3 of The Musketeers starts (YES!), I started to watch the first and second seasons again (I got both for my Birthday). So I ran out of time. So today I am making up for that, I would tell you about today, But, I'll be honest, It was shit. But anyway, onto what I did yesterday.
Like I said earlier I did a recording session however this recording session was different to the others, This was my first recording session with my new recording set-up, I did a few diagrams in MS Paint

Ok, I can't see them But the diagram with more colours on it is the one I am describing here.
I am the circle sitting in my chair , The Camera is the small Grey square with the blues, This is the camera on a tripod which can see the side of my face. Now I record the computer screen. While the camera records the side of my face.
Ok Now I am talking about the second diagram (The one with the face).
Once I have finished recording I composite them together in HitFilm4 Express. A brilliant piece of video editing software. The hard part is getting the camera video and the screen video in sync. I have the camera footage in the corner and the screen footage takes centre stage.
Once That is done and I have exported it looks like this:
I'll post the video link once I upload the video to YouTube
That's all for now
Thanks For Reading
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