Sunday, 24 July 2016

Go Ape!+ Play Exo Margate and tomorrow

23:36- Saturday 23rd July 2016

Hey guys,
I have just under 25 minutes to tell you about Go Ape! Today and Tomorrow. Let's do this!

Go Ape!
Ok, so Go Ape! is like a climbing frame, spread around a forest. There are 5 sections to traverse through, all the time changing your clips, clipping caribina's on and off to the red lines, attaching the green caribina to the central control point and attaching your pully the zip lines. Oh boy, the zip lines are the BEST part. Zip lines make you feel like a child again, but when you get on Go Ape!'s zip lines, it's like Christmas and birthdays all in one. you see each section starts with a ladder that ascends into the treetops and they end with a zip line. The third section's zip line is easily the best one. You can see that it go on for a long time just by looking at it, as well, you can see how high you are already just by looking down. So I clip on and I count from three and step off the platform.


It is AMAZING. You start getting faster, then I emerge from the forest over a valley! which means you are going so high and so fast! It is absolutely a one of a kind experience.

The Play Exo Margate
Ok, today I went with a few friends to this gaming convention, Play Exo Margate. So it was AMAZING!!!! Now even before it started we had this amazing conversation with this guy who had this BRILLIANT Link costume. FANTASTIC. Then the Exo opened, and we went inside. It was amazing, there was too much to type about, but I can give you an idea. There was a long table full of games to every single console you could think of: N.E.S, SNES, N64, Megadrive, Dreamcast, Saturn, Playstation 1,2,3,4,  DS, 3DS, 2DS, Gameboy (All versions), Gamecube, And More! There were tables full of Geek and Nerd stuff! As well as all this, downstairs there was this massive (and when I say massive I mean MASSIVE) room full of every type of  console you could think of: NES, SNES, MEGADRIVE, ZX SPECTRUM, N64, DREAMCAST, SATURN, GAMECUBE, PLAYSTATION 1, PLAYSTATION 2, PS3, PS4, XBOX, XBOX 360, XBOX 1. As well, as all this, there was a bit of the room full of authentic ARCADE CABINETS! Super Mario Bros, Daytona USA and more. Also, there were some Pinball machines. Both things (arcade cabinets and pinball machines) were completely free to play. As well, there was a square of desktops PCs and a line of desktop PC's. The square of PC's had Minecraft on them and the line had the first Counter Strike on it. I had a go at most of the games there. I bought a few items that I will show later. I videoed it all, so I will tell you about the video when I release it.

So the final item. tomorrow I am going away to my dad's for a five-week holiday, I won;t be back until September. I will try my hardest to post, but posts will be infrequent and possible very short.
Please bear with me and I hope you will check each day to see if there is a post.
I will be recording my holiday that I will make into a mirco documentry

That's all for now
Thanks For Reading

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